Dark Horse Comics today released the first issue of Cyberpunk 2077: Trauma Team, a new four-part limited series that is based on the upcoming game. Trauma Team follows an assistant EMT named Nadia, who moves from a tragic shootout to an equally deadly threat wielding swords. It's uncertain if Nadia or her Trauma Team will be featured in the game in any capacity, but this early look into the Cyberpunk world is fascinating, and highlights a nice selection of augmentations and shows how they can be used.
Trauma Team is penned by Cullen Bunn (Uncanny X-Men) with art by Miguel Valderrama (Giants). The first issue is 32 pages and retails for $3.99.
Cyberpunk 2077 will launch on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on November 19. A next-gen upgrade will be released at a later date for free. Check out our deep dive into the early hours of the game for a taste of what is to come.