Humble Bundle is a great way to buy the games you love while also helping out a variety of charites out there to do some good in the world. Their latest bundle is one that we all need more of.
For those not on Twitter, there is an account called @YouCanPettheDog that tells gamers online which games let you ... well, pet the dog. It also features other animals as well, which makes it incredibly wholesome, and Humble is taking that love for animals a step further by helping them in real life!
The Humble "You Can Pet the Dog" bundle offers a plethora of games that let players interact with the goodest of good boys while donating a portion of the proceeds to various animal charities.
The latest bundle is available to buy now and will run until October 1st. From horror games like Blair Witch that has cute little floofers in them, to more family-friendly games like Scribblenauts Unlimited, there are quite a few different options to choose from. Here's what you need to know:
$1 unlock bundle
- Scribblenauts Unlimited
- Beyond Eyes
- Dog Sled Saga
- Bulb Boy
More than the average $4.71 bundle
- Shenmue 1 & II
- Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
- Death's Gambit
$12 bundle
- Blair Witch
- BulbBoy Soundtrack
- Dog Sled Saga Soundtrack
The charities that a portion of the proceeds go to include Sweet Farm, The Humane Society of the United States, and Best Friends Animal Society.
New to Humble Bundle? How it works is that the buyer can actually pick the price. Pay what you want above a certain minimum, as seen above. The higher the amount pledge, the more reward tiers can be unlocked. Even better? Buyers can also choose how much of their purchase goes to the charity of their choice and how much goes to the game devs, and to Humble itself.
All sales are digital and can be used personally or gifted to someone else.
So do some good, pet those dogs, and get some solid gametime in while you do it! Click here to get started!