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You Can Pet The Dogs In The Red Lantern And Make Sure They Don't Die

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The Red Lantern is available now on Nintendo Switch and this story-driven rogue-lite adventure features all of the best puppers in one game. That being said, the most important question in any title is can we protect those goodest of good boys and can we pet them? The answer to both of these questions is a resounding yes. 

The Red Lantern is a gorgeous indie title that allows players to explore an incredibly dynamic world that evolves as the story progresses. With over 100 different encounters thanks to the choice-driven narrative, the story is tailored and stunning and encourages rewards through exploration. 

More importantly, it features cute dogs; eight different pups, to be exact. Just like with any game that features adorable companions, the question immediately comes to mind concerning the safety of these fictitious animals. I'll admit, I'm a complete wimp when it comes to any kind of animal in a game getting hurt even knowing it's not real. While playing for our full review coming later, I was terrified of that first moment when a puppers dies. When it happened, I cried. I'm not ashamed to admit that. I'm not necessarily proud, but I'm not ashamed of it. Luckily, that pain was shortlived because there is a way to prevent those deaths from happening in between giving all of the pets and cuddles.

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In the main menu, select options. From there, you'll see a simple toggle that always keeps the in-game furry companions alive and well, as seen in the two screenshots above. This is a nice additional feature considering the game centers around these particular friends. In Red Lantern, players will have a team of sled dogs that will help guide them when lost in the wilderness. It's a game about survival in a world that is constantly changing and new dangers are everpresent. Survive and make it home while protecting those canine mush balls. 

Given that this is a survival game, some may call toggling this option on cheating. Honestly? I don't care. If you get squeamish, even while knowing it's not real, then toggle that option on and enjoy the game. It's a stunning adventure and the pacing is phenomenal; don't miss out just because you think using a feature the developers give you is 'cheating' the experience. Games are meant to be enjoyed, so enjoy them.

The Red Lantern is available now on Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch.