PlayStation has revealed GungHo Online Entertainment's melee-based arena brawler Deathverse: Let It Die for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 consoles.
Not many details were announced about the game, but the trailer showed a lot. It begins with someone who appears to be the host of the Deathverse competition, which is something aired on in-universe television.
Click here to watch embedded mediaDeathverse seems to feature multiple characters, each with unique abilities and weapons. There's also weapon customization, which allows players to try a weapon, customize it after a battle, and return to the arena to try it out once more.
In terms of abilities, we see some players using a Tommy gun-like gun to call bullets down from above, and we also see some damage-defying shields and bubbles. Some enemies use swords fit for a samurai, while others use weapons that look more at home in a Saw movie.
Throughout the entire trailer, we see a regal-looking character dancing to some poppy music. Perhaps she's involved with the actual live-air competition, or maybe she's one of the fighters that can be used in-game.
If one thing is clear, it's that the number one goal of anyone in the arena is to survive. It doesn't appear to be a battle royale, but rather something more akin to an arena melee-based deathmatch.
The third-person survival action game hits PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 in Spring 2022.