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To build a great games business, unify your marketing and monetization strategy

More publishers are broadening their perspective from building great games to building great video game businesses. Gone are the days of developing games in isolation of marketing and monetization strategy. Instead, the most successful mobile game businesses unify their approach to user acquisition (UA) and monetization, build ad strategy into game development, and leverage multiple growth levers.

Nearly 70% of games decision makers are now developing games with a unified UA and monetization strategy, according to a recent survey of more than 500 mobile game businesses across 17 countries, which Meta Audience Network commissioned with IDC and published in the report: Ads, IAP, and Beyond: Supercharge your game.

Here we’ll explore recommendations for three areas of games business growth:

  • Which player acquisition strategies are effective in a changing app ecosystem?
  • What role should in-app ads play in my monetization mix?
  • How are mobile game businesses thinking about future monetization and growth?

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