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Beyond NFT fumblings, Square Enix is reinventing itself | Opinion

A video game company doing something that upsets or annoys some subset of its consumers is hardly a rare occurrence – you can't please all of the people all of the time, after all, and while some companies balance things a little better than others, you could still make a decent-sized list in any given week of Things Companies Have Done That People Are Mad About.

On occasion, this becomes a pattern of behaviour, which can be indicative of some poor decision-making at a high level – often related to taking an existing audience for granted while trying to pivot too aggressively to a new strategy or business model. But generally speaking you can't read too much into the occasional moment of upset. Every company has its turn in the barrel.

Every now and then, though, a company's direction and strategy becomes so questionable, its penchant for annoying large swathes of consumers at every turn so consistent, that you start to wonder if you're watching an implosion, or an executive team playing through some kind of perverse Brewster's Millions scenario.

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