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Resident Evil living rent-free in my head since 1996 | Why I Love

Why I Love is a series of guest editorials on intended to showcase the ways in which game developers appreciate each other's work. This entry was contributed by Gabriele Caruso, Lead Designer of Space Lizard Studios, which recently launched the rogue-lite horror game set in a papercraft world, Paper Cut Mansion, on PC and Xbox. It will be launching on PlayStation and Switch on December 5.

As an adult, it's easy to forget about things that scared you most as a kid. Those fears that would either freeze your body in place, or make you run like crazy in search of a safe place to hide. As a kid I found myself attracted to these emotions. There was a certain thrill in triggering my brain to feel fear, then overcoming that dread.

I still remember when I was 12 and one afternoon after school I went to my friend's house. He had a PlayStation and his dad bought him Resident Evil. (Bear in mind this is pre-internet age, so he probably saw the cover of a guy with a rifle and thought, "Oh my kid is gonna love this!" without knowing what it was.)

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