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Tech lessons from Overwatch 2’s server troubles

Server disconnects, black screen issues, DDoS attack, failed log-ins, and endless queues – the launch of Overwatch 2 didn’t exactly go as planned, did it? Or maybe it did, because we seem to have reached a point where players now expect online multiplayer features for AAA games to be broken at launch.

Forza Horizon 5, Splatoon 3, Halo Infinite, and Battlefield 2042 are just some of the games released in the last year that have suffered major network infrastructure issues at launch. Overwatch 2 may be the latest game to be affected, but it certainly won’t be the last.

With that in mind, it’s reasonable that many are left wondering where things are going wrong and if there’s anything that studios can do to avoid their games suffering the same network woes experienced by Overwatch 2.

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