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Harnessing modern multiplayer with Unity Gaming Services

Multiplayer has been part of the video game medium since its early years. Even back at the dawn of the 1970s, networked video games existed on the PLATO computer system – a technology that would also help found concepts like email, forums, screen sharing and online testing.

But that fascinating chapter in the history of connected games was just the beginning. Today, in the era of live games, esports, fan communities, streaming and online titles that can play host to all manner of shared experiences and events, the breadth of what counts as multiplayer has expanded tremendously.

“Multiplayer games today have taken on the role of something like a social network,” offers Jeff Collins, senior vice president of engineering at Unity Technologies. “And if you think back to when Fortnite made its leap to fame in 2018, it emerged as a place for people to be – to spend time – rather than just a place to play games. So there's a trend in multiplayer now, where game developers are refining on that model, and looking to do more than the conventional multiplayer we’ve seen before.”

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